Stay Organized, Stay Ahead.

Sisu - Transaction Manager

Sisu is an in-depth transaction manager providing deep insight into your customer pipeline and transaction flow. Combined with Realty Hook, your team's workflow will be streamlined through quick-glance views of upcoming to-do's and the flexibilty of using Google's Task Lists to mark items complete or Sisu's more in-depth comments and status updates for issues that need more context to completion.

Google Task List

Automatically populate your Google Tasklist with to-do items from Sisu. All tasks can go in a separate task list, allowing you to quickly see your transaction-specific tasks vs customer relationship management and other more general to-do.
Google Task List
Contact Information And Notes at Your Fingertips

Contact Information And Notes at Your Fingertips

Within each task, quickly see additional details for the task, like the transaction address, client name, phone number, email address and a direct link to the Sisu transaction's task list.

Mark Completed Anywhere with 2-Way Sync

Finished with a task? Mark it completed on your Google Task List or within Sisu and the other will be updated as completed as well!
Mark Completed Anywhere with 2-Way Sync

Integration Limitations

The Sisu API limits what Realty Hook can and cannot do. Below are some known limitations:
Realty Hook can only pull new tasks into your task list that occur within the next 7 days. Tasks further out than 7 days can show up in some cases (the task is updated either in Sisu or Google to the future), but all tasks beyond 7 days are not always visible.
Realty Hook does not pull in Notification transactions as tasks.
Editing tasks in Google Tasklist will not update some details in Sisu. Only Due Date and Completion Status are imported back into Sisu.