Stay Organized, Stay Ahead.

Add Google Calendar & Task List Integration to Real Estate CRMs

Push tasks to your Google Task List or Calendar from multiple Real Estate CRMs, like Sierra Interactive and Sisu. Use the tool you and your team already know - Google Calendar - to manage your workflow in the office and from your phone on the go.

Manage All Your Tasks & Meetings in One Place - Your Google Calendar

Integrate your teams' to-do list and calendar's into Google Calendar. Realty Hook adds powerful Google Calendar integration for Sierra Interactive and Sisu Google Task List Integration allowing you to see your complete to-do list all in one convenient place.

With Google Calendar, you can quickly visualize and re-organize your schedule regardless of where the event is from. Realty Hook also fully supports Google Calendar delegation, allowing your TC, assistant or anyone else on the team shift events (must be enabled in your Google Account).

Manage All Your Tasks & Meetings in One Place - Your Google Calendar
Contact Information And Notes at Your Fingertips

Contact Information And Notes at Your Fingertips

Whenever an event is added to your Google Calendar or Task List, Realty Hook automatically adds the contact's name to the title and their contact information (phone number & email) to the event details. Don't go hunting and pecking anymore.

Change One - Update All

Need to make an update to the title, time or notes? No problem. Make a change in your CRM -or- your Google Calendar and Realty Hook will update the other automatically. Go ahead, slide events around on your Google Calendar and streamline your scheduling.
Change One - Update All
Manage Your To-Do List In One Place

Manage Your To-Do List In One Place

Show your client tasks in one task list and your transaction to-do's in another. Or, merge them all into a bigger to-do list. Realty Hook organizes your real estate tasks how you want!

Drag & Drop

Your Google Calendar is simple to manage. Now, your Real Estate CRM tasks are too. Need to reschedule an appointment or move a task to the next day? Drag and drop and the task from your CRM or transaction management tool will be updated automatically.
Drag & Drop
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

All of the above is designed with teams in mind! Of course, each individual user's tasks & events will be updated. If your team is setup to allow management of each other's calendars, that works too. Let your TC move a closing time on your Google Calendar and Sierra will be updated as well. Take the slog out of task management.